#4 Newsletter
Our #4 newsletter has been released. Check it out here and see the last developments in the EcoPeak4Fish project.
Our #4 newsletter has been released. Check it out here and see the last developments in the EcoPeak4Fish project.
Within the SHAREe “Sustainable Hydropower to Alleviate and Reduce Environmental externalities“ project funded by the EEA Grants Portugal, a group of researchers from CERIS, Isabel Boavida, Maria João Costa, and Renan Leite (FLUVIO PhD candidate), went to Trondheim, Norway to visit different hydropower schemes representing best practices in sustainable hydropower and to attend the Sustainability in Hydropower …
Attending Sustainability in Hydropower Conference 2023 Read More »
On the 12th May it took place in Boticas the EcoPeak4Fish Project Disclosure Public Session (Sessão Pública de Divulgação do Projeto EcoPeak4Fish). Participated in the event different entities, such as the Câmara Municipal de Boticas, ICNF, Iberdrola, EDP Produção, Instituto Português de Malocologia; different local associations (e.g., Comunidade Local dos Baldios de Covas do Barroso, …
Last week the EcoPeak4Fish was represented by Isabel Boavida at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) 2023, that took place from 23 to 28 April in Vienna, Austria. The European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the earth, planetary, and space sciences. …
Last week Isabel Boavida had the pleasure to participate in the podcast 90 segundos de ciência (90’’ of science ), from the Portuguese radio station Antena 1, and explained how we are trying to mitigate the impact of hydroelectric dams on different species of freshwater fish in the scope of the EcoPeak4Fish project. Check it …
Last week we had the pleasure to participate in the 19º Congresso da Água that took place from 21 to 24 March in the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) in Lisbon. This conference is held every second year and is dedicated to water. This year the theme was “Viver com a Água” (live with …
Maria João Costa has represented the EcoPeak4Fish team on the XII Congreso Ibérico de Gestión y Planificación del Agua that took place in Murcia, Spain the 26 to 28 January. With an enthusiastic audience, she presented the project and gave a glance at some of its outputs. Looking at the rivers from the sea. Old …
XII Congreso Ibérico de Gestión y Planificación del Agua Read More »
Our #3 newsletter has been published. Check it out here and see the last developments in the EcoPeak4Fish project.
This weekend, we participated in the Blue Bio Value Ideation program that took part in Nova SBE Innovation Ecosystem. We had the pleasure to work with Hugo Teixeira da Silva as our business mentor and enthusiastic, while putting up our research into business. We had to develop a 4 min pitch about our flow-refuge prototypes. …
This week EcoPeak4Fish project appeared at Ambiente Magazine website. This is a printed and online magazine dedicated to the environment. You can read the news in Ambiente Magazine website.