Costa MJ, Leite R, Merianne A, Pinheiro AN, Santos JM, Boavida I. 2024. Assessing the impact of invasive bleak on Iberian barbel habitat utilization in fluctuating flow environments. NEOBIOTA – 13th International Conference on Biological Invasions. Lisboa. 3-6 September. Lisbon, Portugal.
Ferrari G, Mota RG, Boavida, I, Portela MM. 2024. Joint management of habitat conservation and electricity generation in a small hydropower plant. 10th International Degrowth Conference and 15th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, 18-21 June. Pontevedra, Spain.
Santos JM, Leite R, Costa MJ, Godinho FN, Portela MM, Pinheiro A, Boavida I. 2024. Fish microhabitat use upstream and downstream from small hydropower plants. 10th Iberian Congress of Ichthyology. 18-21 June. Vic, Spain.
Leite R, Costa MJ, Mameri D, Afonso F, Pinheiro A, Santos JM, Boavida I. 2024. Effect of attraction angle on flow-refuge use effectiveness by a potamodromous species, the Iberian barbel (L. bocagei) under simulated pulsed-flow. 10th Iberian Congress of Ichthyology. 18-21 June. Vic, Spain.
Leite R, Costa MJ, Mameri D, Afonso F, Pinheiro A, Santos JM, Boavida I. 2024. Coping with pulsed flows: Evaluating the efficiency of two flow refuges for an Iberian cyprinid. 8th IAHR Europe Congress. 4-7 June. Lisbon, Portugal
Costa MJ, Leite R, Santos JM, Boavida I. 2024. Examining native fish attraction to artificial flow refuges of differing geometries and upon the presence of the invasive bleak (Alburnus alburnus) amidst pulsed flows. 15th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics and Fish Passage, 5 to 9 May, Québec City, Canada
Santos JM, Leite R, Costa MJ, Godinho FN, Portela MM, Pinheiro A, Boavida I. 2023. Effects of hydropeaking-induced flow variations on fish microhabitat use downstream from small hydropower plants. SEFS 13 – Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences, Newcastle, UK, 18-23 June
Boavida I, Leite R, Costa MJ, Merianne A, Mameri D, Afonso F, Santos JM, Pinheiro A. 2023. Mitigating the hydropeaking using flow refuge: an experimental case-study. EGU General Assembly 23-28 April, Vienna, Austria
Boavida I, Santos JM, Costa MJ, Leite R, Mota R, Portela MM, Godinho FN, Leitão P., Pinheiro AN. 2023. Hydropeaking: how to assess and mitigate impacts. 16º Congresso da Água. 21-24 March, Lisbon, Portugal
Santos JM, Leite R, Costa MJ, Godinho FN, Portela MM, Pinheiro AN & Boavida I. 2023. Efeito de hidropicos induzidos por pequenas centrais hidroelétricas no uso sazonal e ontogenético do microhabitat de leuciscídeos e salmonídeos nativos. 2023. 16º Congresso da Água. 21-24 March, Lisbon, Portugal
Costa MJ, Boavida I, Santos JM, Leite R, Pinheiro AN. 2023. The use of flow-refuges by endemic fish species under simulated pulsed flows: insights from flume research. 2023. 16º Congresso da Água. 21-24 March, Lisbon, Portugal
Boavida I, Santos JS, Costa MJ, Leite R, Portela MM, Godinho F, Leitão P, Mota R, Tuhtan J, Pinheiro A. 2023. EcoPeak4Fish: uma abordagem integrada para a sustentabilidade de populações piscicolas a jusante de centrais hidroelétricas. XII Congreso Ibérico de Gestión y Planificación del Agua, 26 to 28 January, Murcia, Spain.
These infosheets provide in a nutshell the topics and outputs of EcoPeak4Fish project